Script - Skin Sensitivity Study

Hello. Thank you for coming in. Go ahead and take a seat... I hope everything is comfortable in here for you. I have the lights dimmed somewhat. Can I offer you something to sip? ... I'm so happy you volunteered for this study. Your participation really will make all the difference. Let's go over a few things before we get started.

Here you go; your drink. ... How are you feeling so far? It can be exciting to be involved in something like this, but it's important that you relax.

I have, here, all your signed documents, so I'm sure you've read some of the material provided to you about this project, but let me explain further. Today, I will be performing a very special and specific study conducted on how the epidermis recieves sensation input. Essentially, it's a skin sensitivity study, so, you understand I will be touching you throughout.

... You did read that part, didn't you? Of course you did. You just seem a little nervous.... Oh, don't worry, it won't hurt at all. No needles or anything, but maybe a little stroking and probing. In fact, I'm sure it'll tickle.

Now, all that being said, this is a relatively lengthy process and your nerve endings will be stimulated quite thoroughly; so, when you are ready, I'll secure you...

No, it is quite necessary. I require the highest standard of safety for you and for myself. You never know how you might react. Beyond that, the equipment and monitors I use are quite sensitive; any sudden movement could damage them or throw off my data. ... I understand your hesitancy. It's smart to ask questions, but I need you to relax. Take a deep breath, another sip of your drink...

... There you go. I know that this already feels exposing and out of your control. Everything will be all right... Just take a nice, deep breath for me. In... Good. And out... Shhh... You're already doing so well. Your drink should be helping you feel more and more calm... Don't fight it. Just relax. (Fading out.)

(Echoing, fading in.) Wake up... Time to wake up... There you are. The scary part is over, we're ready for the study to begin. Now, now. Don't pull on the straps so hard, I can't have you hurting yourself. ... ... ... And no one can hear you through that gag, I'm afraid. It's meant to protect your vocal cords. And even if someone did hear you...

... you agreed to be here. You signed the waivers. I'm going to have to insist you cooperate with me. The longer it takes to obtain the results I'm seeking, the longer you'll have to be here. Besides, we've done the hard part; you are safely secured in supine position, as is necessary. I see that panic on your face. Remain calm. This gag will monitor your breathing, air passes through it easily. So, let's practice together; focus on me. Look into my eyes. I want you to take a deep breath in through your nose... ... and out through your mouth... ... Very good. Again. In through your nose... ... and out through your mouth... ... Good. I can see the data scrolling on my computer screen now. Just focus on your breathing.

I assure you, you could be in no safer hands. As I said, my equiptment is very sensitive and, along with other biofeedback necessary to my research, I will be monitoring your vitals very closely. The straps are specially made to my specifications. The ones around your wrists monitor blood-oxygen levels, and the one at your left bicep measures your blood pressure. Here, against your chest, I'm monitoring pulse and skin conductance. The restraints at your thighs and ankles play vital parts in measuring thermal and electromyographical data. And, finally, the one across your forehead will monitor neurofeedback. Furthermore, as you should have read in the paperwork provided, I record every session so that I do not have to stop to take notes and I can revisit... key... moments in this wonderful opportuity you've given me.

See? No secrets. No restraint is superfluous, no detail unnecessary. It's all for your safety and my benefit.

Now that you seem like you have a handle on yourself, we can begin.

One very sensitive part of the body that often goes overlooked is along the hard palate. The sensation to the roof of the mouth is felt through the maxillary nerve which branches into smaller palatine nerves. I will be using a small brush to stimulate the area. Let me just open the port on the gag and insert the impliment... there. I'll begin by sliding the brush left and right across the foremost portion of the hard palate. ... A spike in the electromyographical data. That's to be expected.

Moving the brush to the center of the hard palate, very gentle pressure in a rhythmic motion. Focus on the sensation moving back and forth across these sensitive nerves, sending signals to your brain, and your brain sending signals to your body, saying, "It tickles! It tickles so much! Make it stop!" It's fascinating to see how your mind and body react when you can't.

I want you to focus on the feeling of those tiny, soft bristles pacing across the roof of your mouth. Did you ever think you'd be ticklish here? It's a surprisingly tender area. You can even tickle it with the tip of your tongue... well, if your tongue weren't currently held in place. Shh. Look at me. Look into my eyes. Just a little longer.

Pleading doesn't work well when there's a gag in your mouth. I need you to conserve your strength, we have much more to explore... Let's move along, shall we?

The axilla. Most commonly called the armpit. Another area where nerve endings are close to the surface as this is the route the nerve takes to reach your limbs. With your arms stretched above your head like this, the skin is taut and sensation is amplified. I will be using my fingernails in this area... walking them up the midaxillary line towards the deepest part of the armpit. Begining stimulation... now. ... Hmm... Subject is suppressing their reactions. Even so, the data shows that their pulse is quickening as my nails get closer to the center of the underarm... You won't be able to hold it all back forever. Feel my nails skittering up and down your exposed, helpless armpits? Back and forth and back and forth. This will continue until you give me your complete and unhindered reaction. I know exactly how to keep you in the throes of these sensations for as long as I need to collect the information I require.

That's it. Very good. Note: Study subject's neurofeedback closely at this time stamp. Four fingers under each arm. My fingernails are working the deepest hollow of the underarm area in quick strokes, unceasing. At a glance, subject's biofeedback is in accordance with benchmarks. ... You're doing very well... my fingers are slowing now. Slower... catch your breath. Breathe. Listen to me. Breathe deeply.

Let's move on. The sol- Oh. Note: The subject appears to be aroused. Interesting. Pulse and galvanic skin response data are in line with this assessment. Previously assessed as stress. Does this... arouse you? What a silly question. It must. I can see it does. (Gentle laugh.) I hadn't anticipated this. Hmm. This will require further study. I'll have to prepare a plethysmograph to measure the progression of your arousal during tomorrow's session.

I can see the confusion in your face. Of course there's going to be a session tomorrow. As I said, this is an extensive and lengthy process. I was planning on a twelve-hour detailed session tomorrow but... with this new discovery... I'm thinking more time may be necessary. Fourteen, maybe sixteen hours.

...You can wriggle all you like, the straps are quite secure. Do you want proof? I'll just dip my finger into your navel and... there. See how your body reacts? You laugh and smile even if you consider this torture. Just a single finger swirling in the dimple of your umbilicus can cause this. You can't control it. Even your laughter is autonomic. It's a wonder of the human nervous system.

My goodness... This must be a very sensitive area, my finger's barely wiggling inside your navel and you're practically panicking. Do you understand now that you need to relax so that I may finish my work? Yes? Then I'll remove my finger... for now... and move on to your feet.

The soles of the feet are the obvious spot to showcase a display of ticklishness. Incredibly sensitive for such a hard-working area of the body. One moment while I secure your toes... (Gentle sigh.) If you insist on fighting me, I can always return to your navel and give these toes a real reason to wiggle. (Soft smile.) Very good. I knew you were capable of calming yourself. I'm not securing your toes back for cruelty's sake: The soles are covered in specific stimulation points that must be readily accessable and— there, all secure— harnessing the toes keeps the foot quite still. Let's begin.

Beginning assessment of the soles. Manual stimulation with fingernails along the arches. Starting... now. ... Ah. Considering your reactions previously, your sensitivity here is not surprising. The soles of the feet are covered in about eight thousand nerve-endings, close to the surface of the skin. Here, right below the ball of the foot is usually quite sensitive. Especially now with your toes held back, my nails can roam up and down over your arches freely. Up and down, stimulating every nerve ending on your soles.

Heels are generally less sussceptable to tickling. For this reason, I will be using a wide brush with a bit of stiffness to the bristles. Just enough to adequately trigger the autonomic response. Beginning... now. Moving the bristles around the heel and up into the arch... and back down. Across the heel now. Very good. Continuing brush stimulation up the soles of the feet, to just below the digits.

... I told you, it's ridiculous to beg with a gag in your mouth. Even if you weren't gagged, I doubt you'd make much sense right now. I assure you, you can stand much more than you think you can. And I won't allow you to pass out. It would ruin my data.

Brush stimulation continuing beneath the toes... Dispite prolonged exposure to tickling sensation, subject remains at, what appears to be, full arousal. Ceasing brush stimulation of the soles.

Moving on to stimulation of the phalanges. Unlike the soles, the toes are a bit more protected. I will begin with my nails stroking the undersides of the toes, beneath the pad of the toes. Beginning stimulation, moving my nails down along the skin gently in quick, short strokes. Subject is responding as expected... Very good. And your arousal hasn't faded at all. Absolutely fascinating.

I will now be using a small brush to stimulate between each digit, starting between the hullux, or big toe, and second toe. I want you to concentrate on the feeling of the bristles stroking between your toes. Tickling produces no pain, of course, if done right, and yet we can not help but recoil. You're very lucky to be able to experience these sensations without the possibility of escaping them. It's a rare opportunity. Do those sensations become more acute— the feeling of the brush flicking between your toes— because you can't get away? These are questions we will discuss between sessions.

All right... Stimulation of the peroneal nerve via the feet is complete. Relax now... Deep breath... We're very nearly finished for today. I can tell you're fatigued, however your electromyographical data still manages to spike during stimulation. A testament to your autonomic responses... found in ancient humans and in us today. It's amazing, isn't it? Why should modern humans be ticklish? And yet, here you are, laughing and squirming with tears in your eyes... a display seen in any ticklish humans for millenia. Anyway...

My last area of study today will be the abdomen. ... Isn't it funny how our abdomen has so many names? Stomach, tummy, belly. Belly tends to be my favorite, I think. ...Subject has shown marked sensitivity at the umbilicus, or navel, colloquially known as the belly button.

Now, you must relax. You did such a nice job of displaying your ticklishness here earlier. You won't have to do anything, your body will do it all for you.

Beginning abdominal study with fingernails moving gently up and down the belly, avoiding the navel. I hypothesize that the belly and belly button will be an area of interest for me in this subject. Beginning stimulation... now.

Subject is showing an immediate reaction to stimulation on the belly. My nails are traveling at a moderate pace for now, and slowly picking up speed. Skittering my fingers along the sides of the stomach... and now, under the navel, approaching the groin... Very interesting... Epidermal sensitivity and autonomic response is clear.

Circling the navel, slowly drawing closer. Look at me. You've demonstrated the effect this has on you already... I want to see the effect anticipation has on your neurofeedback. I will count down. When I get to zero, my finger will enter your navel and I will stimulate the nerves there... Understand? Please recognize that I am not asking if you agree... I'll ask you again... do you understand? Good.


Four... visible rise in heart rate...

Three... and skin galvanic response...



My finger has entered the subject's navel. Electromyographical data has spiked and the subject's autonomic responses, both physical and emotional, are on full display. Gentle downward pressure is being applied along with random movements of my finger. Upon quick inspiection, arousal remains.

Very good. You're doing very well. Laughter, squirming, even your arousal; you can't avoid these reactions and that is exactly what I'm looking for... You're doing wonderfully.

I am now replacing my finger with a small brush in order to stimulate the deepest part of the navel... There. The brush is much more dexterous in this small space and stimulation appears to be more thorough. Note: Prepare more impliments for use in tomorrow's session. Stroking the bristles in circles now, slowly upward from the base of the belly button... and along the outer ridge... slowing... and... ceasing stimulation...

Listen... breathe... This ends our session for today. We have much to study tomorrow... including your arousal. We will be discussing that before our next session, when your arousal will be carefully monitored. Shh... Keep breathing. Let your body relax. Let every muscle relax now. You've done very well. Take a very deep breath for me... in... and out... Good.

Feel every muscle relaxing. First, your toes... and then the rest of your feet... your calves... and thighs... good... your hips and abdomen... all the way up to your shoulders and down your arms, all the way to the tips of your fingers. Very good. You have been a model subject for me today. (Gentle smile.) Simply put, you are very ticklish.

Thank you for your time. I will have my assistant come in and detatch the monitors and help you out of the restraints... Please take lots of rest. It's important that you are ready for tomorrow's session.